Nelnet Campus Commerce OnCampus

Join Us at OnCampus!

Unlock the full potential of our partnership by joining us at OnCampus, a free in-person conference for fostering connections amongst a vibrant community of higher education institutions. We want to support you as you share your collective knowledge with your peers, discuss challenges, and find solutions unique to your campus or region.

May 20-22, 2024
University of Colorado Denver

University of Colorado

Book your Denver hotel

Justification letter


Sponsored By:

BluefinGrad Guard
June 5-7, 2024
Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame

Book your Notre Dame Hotel

Justification letter


Sponsored By:

Grad Guard
July 22-24, 2024

Rutgers University

Book your New Jersey hotel

Justification letter


Sponsored By:

CIBCGrad Guard


  • Evening Before: Client Event
  • Day 1: Program 8:30-4:00 (Lunch provided) with Evening Client Event
  • Day 2: Program 8:30-12:00 (Transformation through Design Thinking Workshop)

Travel Guidance:

Registrants will receive hotel recommendations and more information about travel to their selected events via email.